The Champfit Grindhouse

The Champfit Grindhouse

The Champfit Grindhouse is a sports performance company that is dedicated to promoting academic excellence and enhancing athleticism, while also building character and confidence in athletes. With a mission to help athletes succeed across all platforms, the Champfit Grindhouse offers a range of services designed to support and inspire athletes, from strength and conditioning training to mental health coaching and beyond. With a focus on developing well-rounded, confident, and successful individuals, the Champfit Grindhouse is a game-changer for aspiring athletes everywhere.

Personal video

Personal video

The Champfit Grindhouse

I'm here to answer your questions about training, about my journey, my predictions on the next big event, or anything you want to know. Hit me up and ask me anything!

Request an authentic one-on-one with your favorite athlete and gain their insights via short form personal video about event predictions, training tips, their stories, or anything you want to ask about. They're here to answer your questions!


Select if the personal video is for yourself or someone else.


Enter the name you'd like the athlete to mention.


Enter the question you'd like to ask the athlete. Stay tuned for a video response!

Book a Personalized Video - $31.25 USD
The Champfit Grindhouse